Project Spaceship is an arcade-style game where the player controls a single blue spaceship and attempts to survive waves of enemy spacecraft. Similar to the well-known Asteroids, the player can rotate and fire their engines in a single direction, continuing to move as if in a frictionless vacuum. Enemies fly in from the edges of the screen and are introduced in increasing numbers and difficulty each level. If the player flies off the screen they reappear on the opposite side, while enemy ships will have to turn around and fly back onto the screen.

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W (or S) Fire Thrusters
A Rotate Anti-Clockwise
D Rotate Clockwise
Spacebar Fire Weapons
Escape Menu
Level 3, the player ship flying through enemy fire. Level 4, the player ship flying through a group of enemy ships, under fire. Level 6, the player ship firing at a number of enemy ships, destroying one.